

Question by  lotion33 (48)

What are some foods that aid digestion?


Answer by  st (72)

Bananas, rice, apples/applesauce, and bran all aid digestion. Fruits and leafy vegetables are excellent sources of fiber which will keep you regular. Contrary to popular belief, spicy foods eaten on occasion can aid in healthy digestion. If you are experiencing digestive difficulty, also try the new probiotic yogurts for a few days. They worked like magic for me!


Answer by  BillBrent (33)

Fresh, raw foods are the best overall source of digestive enzymes, so the more uncooked food you can eat, the better. Try salads, fruits, and fresh vegetable and fruit juices. Papaya is especially helpful for digestion since it contains papain, which breaks down proteins. Green papaya, such as in Thai salads, is an even better source than ripe papaya.


Answer by  udaipur (219)

Fiber. Fiber is a nutrient that your body cannot digest, and it sort of just flows through your system and brings other stuff along with it. Most westerners do not eat nearly enough fiber, and if you need help with digestion, you probably need a little more than recommended.


Answer by  alishaannie (21)

Ginger has been proven to aid digestion and is safe to use in pregnancy. Peppermint is also useful in soothing the stomach.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Anything that is high in fiber will aid digestion. Recommendations include beans and peas, fresh vegetables like carrots and radishes, and whole grains, including oatmeal and whole grain bread.

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