


Question by  clrfuldezine (11)

What are some examples of thermogenic foods?


Answer by  Laquesha (61)

Oatmeal, fatty fish, hot peppers, chili sauce, cabbage, brussel sprouts, celery, cherries, grapefruit, oranges, peaches, pears, grapes, and apples are all thermogenic foods.


Answer by  Andrew352 (31)

Thermogenic foods increase the rate that stored fat is burned to release energy. Examples include citrus Aurantium, guarana, which increases body's metabolic rate, ginger, cayenne peppers (herb containing capsaicin), hot Peppers, and brindleberry. Brindle berry helps suppress the appetite and also blocks carbohydrates from the process of conversion into fats.


Answer by  debichance (160)

Most all foods can technically be called thermogenic, because the body uses energy to digest them. This is also known as the thermic effect of food. Some common examples of thermogenic foods include guarana, ginger, cayenne pepper, salsa, mustard, and grapefruit, chicken, turkey, bison, buffalo, egg whites, seafood, & fish.

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