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Question by  Gabrielle (66)

What are some endearing names?

I can't seem to find a good nickname for my boyfriend.


Answer by  jenmarie1986 (76)

Some good endearing names are, baby, love, honey, buttercup, sweetie, darling, handsome, gorgeous and sweetheart. It's best to find out what he's actually comfortable with. He might not appreciate you calling him sugerlips or buttercup but he might prefer a more masculine nickname. Make it something that is special between the two of you.


Answer by  AnnWalkerKennedy (175)

Some nice names for your sweetheart include Honeypie, Sugarlump, Alfresco, Pumpkin, T-Bone, Babycakes, Caro, Guapo, Hero, Cupcake, Huggie-bear, or any variation on his given name, like Davie for David.

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