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Question by  mtolivo (16)

What are some common insects with antennas?

My son wants to be a bug for Halloween and wants antennas.


Answer by  Sabharish (1610)

Insects like cockroaches, ants, butterflies, bugs, centipede, millipede, lobsters, crabs etc has atennas for sensing the smell and their prey.


Answer by  bigdog22 (308)

Most, I think all, insects have antennae. My least favorite is a fire ant. You could also try any variety of bee or betel. A monarch butterfly would be cool,as well as a moth.


Answer by  Molae06 (1467)

Ants, Cockroach, Butterfly, caterpillar, lady bug, grass hopper, cricket, praying mantis, walking stick, bee, Brown marmorated stink, various beetles, centipedes, termites, wasp, yellow jackets, ticks, fleas, locusts, moths, dragon flies.


Answer by  jsteiny03 (346)

Here are a few common insects with antennas. Moth's, a variety of beetles, centipedes, cockroaches, ants and all varieties of butterfly's. This list is by no means exhaustive.


Answer by  Hank (117)

There are some great insects with antennas. Lady bug, stink bug, wasp, bee, ant, grasshopper, praying mantis and of course a dragonfly.


Answer by  cpncrash (424)

There are several million from: Bee's, wasps, hornets, cockroach, beetles, butterflies, moths, dragonflies, mayflies, ants, giant water beetles, june bugs, walking sticks, grasshoppers, crickets, etc.

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