human body


Question by  novrhoj (17)

What are some common African facial features?


Answer by  Blip (313)

While nationality is not a direct exhibition of specific facial features, people from Africa typically have widened noses, rounded and fuller lips, and increased jawbone sized in comparison to other individuals. These characteristics, however, are not definitive. Africa is diverse with characteristics so a commonality is difficult to pinpoint.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

Africa has a diverse gene pool thanks to the passing by of other countries and cultures. There really is no one defining facial feature cause there is so many facial varieties thrown into the gene pool.


Answer by  booj (40)

People from Africa are incredibly diverse, it is a huge continent. There are no distinguishing "African" facial features, because there isn't just one ethnic group from Africa.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Things like, Large lips, big jaws and wide noses are common facial features in African Americans. Their cheekbones can be larger than Caucasians too.


Answer by  acelanders67 (381)

It is important to realize everyone has a completely independent body. However, stereotypical features may include a broad jaw, tall figure, dark complexion, thick hair, and so on. A lot of friends you find from Africa may be from the south, so it all depends on the family, region, and circumstances brought through lineage.

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