


Question by  comalua (27)

What are some colors of plants other than green?

Do they not have chlorophyll?


Answer by  Labowner7672 (64)

All plants have to have chlorophyll, or else they can't process sunlight. If colors other than green are present, there are different chemical compounds in the plants along with the chlorophyll. Anthocyanothins, for example, can cause a deep reddish-purple color,


Answer by  GRRL (126)

Plant colors range from yellow, red, and orange, to blue, blueish green, or purple. Chemicals in the plants are responsible for the different colors. When chlorophyll is predominate, the plant is green. When there are more carotenoids (reddish) or anthrocyanins(blue/purple)are displayed. The color depends on the chemical balance.

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