What are some key rules of etiquette everyone should know?
What is a modern type decanter for whiskey?
What is etiquette for singing at the dinner table?
What is proper etiquette for a restaurant hostess to learn?
What is proper military etiquette for saluting?
What is the etiquette to use when introducing my wife to people?
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Question by Krymsun (10)
How is it different from 1950s etiquette?
Answer by lgk (2426)
In the 1950's a man was required to hold doors and pull chairs out for ladies. Today, it is not required and considered to be old fashioned.
Answer by workoutchamp (103)
Etiquette has evolved to include things that were not around in the 1950's. These include instant messaging reply times, taking cell phones calls outside and keeping music device volumes low.
Answer by gmun (603)
It used to be accepted that a boy paid for a girl when out on a date, but now it is generally accepted to split it.
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