home decorating


Question by  Lisa78 (35)

What are features of colonial style homes?

I am doing research.


Answer by  Djbruton (583)

Very large foyers. The stairways are always centered in from of the front door. Colors are always reds, whites, or navy blues. This form of home always has either a wrap around porch or a flat, plain patio on the second floor. The also use plain columns and lots of red brick


Answer by  MathWiz (1408)

Colonial style homes are usually two stories. They are very symmetrical, with windows on each side of a door in the center. When you walk into the house, there are usually rooms on each side with a hall in the middle. Columns are common. For decor, think classic, traditional, elegant, and refined.


Answer by  cmkekbif (778)

Colonial style usual refers to the exterior appearance of the home and it typically is the main building that looks like a square box.


Answer by  SADAF (119)

these homes were made by rich americans.It is of squar shape and have central door and have paired chimmneys,medium pitched roof,straight lines of windows.a decorative cown over the door and hall in centre

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