what is


Question by  lath (9)

What are coil pots?


Answer by  Lepi (314)

Coil pots are a variety of clay pots that are made using rolled coils of clay in various sizes. Coil and pinch are the two standard forms of pots.


Answer by  Mable (3008)

There are several ways for making clay pots. One is on a potter's wheel. Another is called "pinch pot," meaning shaping the clay with fingers. For coil pots the clay is rolled into strands like rope. Then it's coiled to make the sides of the pot, using slip (water+clay) to join the coils. Then the walls are smoothed.


Answer by  soakshimmer (104)

Coil pots are created using the coiling method. These pots are easily made by rolling a clay into thin snake-like ropes and then layering them on top of one another.


Answer by  JessS (59)

Coil pots are handmade pottery made with clay. Coil pots have been made for hundreds and thousands of years using the coil method. This hand building pottery is very versatile from beginners to experts and is very capable of extensive art craftmanship.

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