what is


Question by  Zeke (45)

What are 3cc syringes used for?

I found one in my son's room.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

3cc syringes are often used by children as water guns for practical jokes. Though relatively small they are actually too large for illicit drug use.


Answer by  woodstock (12)

yikes! unless your son is diabetic, I would be worried that he is using drugs. It is probably a good idea to confront him about this. Good luck!


Answer by  domi51 (9)

Well, since I'm sure about the fact that you would know it if your son needs insulin, I would suggest you to watch closer your son, because probably is becoming a drug (e.g. heroin or cocaine) addict.


Answer by  yarzan (40)

3cc syringes are used for minutely small ammounts of drugs, but very strong ones. Give your son a drug test and be prepared for the worst

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