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Question by  livemikes (19)

What animals eat wasps?


Answer by  earthlink (120)

Wasps may be eaten by birds, lizards, snakes, spiders or even other wasps! Recently parasitic wasps were found to be riding on much larger wasps and "going along for the ride", waiting until eggs were laid and laying their own eggs in the nest. When the larger was hatched it was attacked and eaten by the parasite.


Answer by  Marsman (11)

Sruprisingly, the wasp has many natural predators. Other insects such as centipedes and spiders will eat wasps. Birds are another common predator. Badgers, stoats, weasels, and mice will actually attempt to destroy the wasp nest, cracking it apart to eat the baby wasps and the eggs inside. Lizzards have also been known to eat wasps.


Answer by  LexiP (722)

Dragonflies, robber flies, hover flies, birds, rats, bats, and skunks all are capable of eating wasps. Bigger wasps also consume smaller ones.


Answer by  Nero (138)

The following animals that do eat wasps are birds, skunks, bears, bats, rats, mice and Humans probably our closest ancestor. It's the animal food-chain around when it comes to no food.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Any animals that a wasp can fit in their mouths, won't sting them first, and who are not strict vegetarians. Chickens love wasps, also raccoons and either one will sit at the opening of a beehive or wasp's nest annoy them to get them to fly out to eat them.


Answer by  river (1226)

All kinds rats, mice, skunks, weasals, bears, even a cat or dog. Some non-animals other wasps, birds, lizards and frogs.


Answer by  heatherbooboo (655)

The praying mantis or walking stick eats wasps. Some larger toads will eat wasps. Also some birds will eat wasps and owls eat them as well. Many rodents and small mice will eat wasps as well as seagulls. My dog chaeses them on my patio and has eaten a few.

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