


Question by  mynewestname2111 (21)

We are having problems crating my dog, what are some other places that would take him?

We are going on vacation soon.


Answer by  coxdjustinuseless (123)

Most vets board dogs. This would be the most ideal place for a dog. , They deal with dogs all the time so they can handle anything.


Answer by  melaniebrake (127)

There are many doggy day-cares that would watch him while you're gone. Look up any Kennels and Boarding that keep them overnight. You may find that the prices are pretty expensive, however. Boarding a dog is pricey but they generally do a good job of tending to the dogs's needs.


Answer by  Sixglint (20)

You could take your dog to a "dog daycare", but that can be expensive. Another option is to take your dog to a friends house.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Put him in his crate whenever you're not in the house. Put him in there with a soft blanket that he likes and his favorite toys. He's probably upset with the kenneling because he doesn't feel safe. Even if he cries don't let him out until morning.

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