

Question by  leena31 (2)

Should you remove the bee stinger after you are stung?

I have heard that you should and that you should not.


Answer by  treemom (334)

Yes, you should remove the stinger. The main reason is to avoid infection, just like if you had a sliver. You want to carefully scrape the stinger away so that it doesn't deposit any more venom into you. Use something sharp, like the edge of a knife, and scrape it out the same way it went in.


Answer by  Dahloan (294)

If you are stung, it is best to remove the stinger. The bee uses the stinger to deliver the venom and the stinger might still be releasing venom.


Answer by  kimmik (120)

Always remove the stinger if stung. Scrape it out with a credit card or needle; avoid pinching the stinger or it will inject more venom, making it worse.


Answer by  Aaron83 (5)

Remove the bee stinger as quickly as possible. Removing a stinger quickly reduses the amount of venom injected from the venom gland that is attached to the stinger.

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