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Question by  HumbledbyFaith (24)

Should I use organic baby formula?

What is the advantage?


Answer by  danalu4u (12)

The best baby food on the market today is organic baby food. Organic baby food has not had any pesticides used on the food before harvesting. Pesticides are dangerous for consumption and infants do not have a strong enough immune system to fight off any associated ailments known to cause illnesses.


Answer by  Ali41 (1593)

Organic formula is really a matter of preference. It's just like going to the grocery store and choosing to buy organic or other vegetables. In general, its just what you like.


Answer by  snessia (991)

Nutritionally there is little advantage to organic formula. The nutritional values are highly regulated so if you compare labels on formulas they are nearly identical. That said, if organic (milk, say) or less processed ingredients (think rice syrup as a sweetener versus corn syrup solids) are important to you, organic is probably the way to go.


Answer by  jaime24 (744)

Organic baby formula is good for your baby, because it has all natural ingredients. It also does not contain as much sugar as regular formula. Regular baby formula also has a lot of preservatives in it. Oraganic baby formula is quite a bit more expensive then regular formula, but it is the price you have to pay to be healthy.


Answer by  Jackie50 (360)

There's no proof that organic baby formula is better. All formulas meet the standards set by the FDA, and normal formulas are less expensive.


Answer by  belle39 (966)

The advantage of using organic baby formula is that you're using a formula that has very few additives or unrecognizable ingredients that might be harmful to your baby. Whole Foods Market may have some good brands of organic baby formula but you can read some consumer magazines about organic living such as Organic Living.

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