


Question by  chandito (29)

Should I try a kidney cleanse?


Answer by  mem4dr (1378)

As long as your kidneys are functioning properly (meaning any labs your doctor has run come back normal) then it is unnecessary to do a kidney cleanse. Most peoples' kidneys do not need any help; if your kidneys do start failing, then you need medical help, not an over the counter remedy.


Answer by  starmlw (960)

I would be careful to try anything that says it will "clean" my kidney. Your kidneys kind of clean themselves. They filter toxins and waste products from our blood and expel them as urine. Have a glass of water instead.


Answer by  kungfukid (1241)

The best way to cleanse kidneys, to avoid stones, is to drink lots of water and have a diet high in fruits and vegetables. If you already have stones, watermelon seed tea may work, as well as a watermelon cleanse technique. Eat a ton of watermelon, get onto a full bathtub then urinate in the water.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

No you should not. Your kidneys cleanse themselves. The best way to make sure that they are clean is to drink enough water everyday. If you are concerned about their function go to your doctor and ask so a urinalysis that will detect if your kidneys are malfunctioning at all.

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