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Question by  Shafy (65)

Should I get a convertible crib?

I mean one that converts into a bed.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

As long as it's not a drop side crib since those are being recalled. Convertible cribs are an excellent investment since they will last your child longer than a year or two. Often times these cribs will even convert into a day bed. Choose one that will grow with your child and that will be best suited for his/her room.


Answer by  Chiflis (19)

They're great! This type of crib will last you for years and you wont have to worry about introducing him into a new toddler bed that maybe he wont like.


Answer by  jag (278)

Alot of people do, I personally chose not to. The bed isn't that big and I wanted to have another baby and keep my kid. Depends on what you need.


Answer by  RLJeffries (66)

Yes, as long as they meet safety standards. Research different brands,and go with a trusted one. It's cost efficient to only buy one bed, and replace the mattress. Also it is better to buy new or one that is recently used, due to standard safety changes and recalls.

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