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Question by  amitza (16)

Should I break up with my boyfriend?


Answer by  philosophy (243)

The very fact that you are asking this question in a public forum indicates that the relationship probably will not be able to survive much longer. Once you are sure that you are going to move on, you should take action; its not fair to drag him along in uncertainty.


Answer by  hbmarsh (99)

If your boyfriend is treating you badly and is unwilling to discuss it, break up with him. If he's cheating on you, break up with him. If he's making you feel badly about yourself, break up with him.


Answer by  Jacq (23)

If you have to pay someone to ask this question the answer is YES, otherwise you would be happy and not concerned with breaking up.


Answer by  Susan (179)

This is something only you can answer. It isn't fair to string him on if you are really not sure if he is the one.

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