pet health


Question by  Lori95 (17)

Should I be worried if my hamster is not drinking?


Answer by  traumatised (3285)

If your hamster gets water elsewhere - like wet fresh vegetables, or if he is just drinking less, it may not be an issue. If he is not getting any kind of water he will quickly become dehydrated and requires veterinary attention from a qualified exotics vet.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Yes. When a pet does not drink it's always cause for alarm. A pet who doesn't drink water will become dehydrated and can die within 3 days. Try changing his water with fresh, cold water. It may cause him to drink. Sometimes animals won't drink water because the water is not fresh.


Answer by  Vllad45 (1886)

Make sure he is really not drinking first, then watch for a day or two. If he is eating vegetables, he's fine since they have water. If not, see a vet.

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