

Question by  comalua (27)

Should I be concerned that my daughter is 14 and her boyfriend is 17?


Answer by  timmsa (577)

I don't think so. They are both under age,sit them down and talk with them. Find out if anything is going on. Make sure they both know about life.


Answer by  bentham (159)

Would you be concerned if she was 18 and he was 21? Unless you have a specific worry about sex - which you should discuss with her - then no.


Answer by  worker1041 (58)

I think that you should be concerned if your daughter is only 14 and her boyfriend is 17. Teenagers that are that far apart in age should not be going together. What happens when he turns 18 next year. Then he is classified as an adult and she would only be 15 which would be crazy.


Answer by  flip2o (1220)

It is legal to date a minor that is 3 years younger, example. 18 and 15. but they may not have sexual contact til they both turn legal.


Answer by  mic87 (24)

Frankly, no. These kids were going to do whatever "activities" you would imagine(for sure the worse wanderings of your mind), if they were three years apart or just one.

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