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Question by  Stanislav (22)

Should I be concerned if my girlfriend is less than 100 pounds?


Answer by  newgeneration (699)

It depends on what age, height, and body type she is. For an adult female, less than 100 pounds would be seriously underweight. A doctor can figure out whether your girlfriend is in danger based on how old she is, her height and whether she has a small frame.


Answer by  PHOAT (645)

It depends on her height. If she is below 5 feet tall she is probably healthy. If she isn't, she may be at risk for an eating disorder.


Answer by  Doris59 (1647)

My guess is that if she is an adult then she would be anorexic if she under 100lbs. You certainly should be concerned and try to get her to seek help. You won't find it easy but you should try and help her.


Answer by  Anonymous

My girlfriend is 20 years, 5'3" and 98 lbs...she eats more than me, she's just petite.


Answer by  Irishrod (29)

what i have learned in BS nursing it must be complement in your age but for me its ok unless she can do things normally and doesn't tired easily like me

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