health procedures


Question by  joeld (22)

Should I be concerned about a bloated stomach after a hysterectomy?


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

Stomach bloating is common as a surgical ileus is common post-op for a few days. If it doesn't disappear or gets worse see you doctor right away.


Answer by  swizz (390)

Bloating is common after hysterectomy but it should not be taken for granted as it could be associated to serious complications. Make sure that you have a post-surgery check up.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If this is within a week of the surgery or within a month of childbirth, there is no reason to be concerned. If it is more than a week after surgery OR accompanied by a fever, contact the doctor, this could be a sign of an infection.


Answer by  starmlw (960)

It depends. Is is painful or does it keep getting bigger? Then I would say yes and contact your doctor immediately. If it's only slight and is just a little sore, not painful then it may be normal post-op swelling because youv'e had surgery. If you are concerned, regardless of the severity of the swelling, call your doctor.


Answer by  dryuha (735)

It is normal to have bloated stomach. However if you noticed your abdomen is slowly getting bigger you should be worried about intra-abdominal bleeding due to injured blood vessels or other organs.


Answer by  Tigerbelle (252)

Some bloating following a hysterectomy is initially not a concern as some side effects can be abdominal wall laxness and bloated appearance.


Answer by  G12345 (1808)

You should see your doctor to make sure it is not due to an anatomical complication. However in most cases people have delayed stomach emptying post-op due to opiates.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

This is not normal; there should only be some swelling at the incision site. Any inflammation or distension should be reported to your doctor. It could be a sign of an infection or an allergic reaction.

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