health conditions


Question by  rickdluna (1)

My son gets lumps on his balls, which come and go, should I be worried?


Answer by  Darry (3853)

Most likely they are infected hair follicles. If the lumps are associated with pain, fever, or any other symptom you should make an appointment with his doctor. Additionally, if the lumps occur on the testicle and not the skin around them you need to see his doctor ASAP.


Answer by  mb (5482)

This could be a problem depending on the age of your son. If he is prepubescent it could be a lymphatic drainage issue and should be examined by a physician.


Answer by  Jalaine11 (2043)

The answer would depend on the age of your son. If he has went through puberty it may be the build of sperm waiting to be released that is causing the lump. The main thing is to not be to embarrassed to go to the doctor for advice.


Answer by  JSmith0330 (616)

This could be a swollen lymph nodes which is a gland. These lymph nodes become inflamed speak with his doctor to see what they what you to do.

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