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Question by  duane (1)

My engine just started making loud pinging or chattering sounds this occurs when I rev the engine up and is coming from the passenger side of the car, what could be causing this?


Answer by  JBW (243)

It is hard to say without seeing the car. My older chev v8 started making a loud chattering sound when a rocker arm broke. Also lost a lot of power. This is an easy fix if you are mechanically inclined.


Answer by  MrGoodwrench (51)

The engine could be making these noises for several reasons. The fuel being used might contain less octane than recommended by the manufacturer or it might contain impurities like water. The oil maybe be getting old or possibily the engine was overheated causing the oil to lose its viscosity and needs to be changed, the valves could also need adjustment.

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