- Short Answers



Question by  Anemic75 (83)

My dog is eating and drinking a lot, should I be worried?

This is more than normal.


Answer by  raun08 (1839)

That depends on the age, breed and environment of the dog. If it's a young dog and a larger breed, is it going through a growth spurt? What is the weather like? If it's hotter or colder than normal the dog might eat and drink more to compensate for the extra calories. Other environmental stressors could be to blame also.


Answer by  srainne (2597)

A few factors could change your dog's eating and drinking habits; without causing much worry at all. First, appetite could be affected drastically if this is a puppy you are asking about and it is in a growth spurt. If it is a grown dog, is it possible that that he/she has been especially active lately?


Answer by  tinkerjax (37)

This sometimes can be a cause for concern as this could be a sign of parasites of the intenstinal tract. If the overeating continues, take the dog to your vetrinarian.


Answer by  Mary39 (521)

Dog's appetites go in spurts. One day they can be ravenous while the next day they may have no appetite at all. It's totally normal.

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