health conditions


Question by  tsbergeron (14)

My baby has foreskin adhesion, what should I do?


Answer by  mb (5482)

You should leave the foreskin alone. A baby boys foreskin will not retract all the way until he is in his late childhood or early teens. Attempting to force it can cause serious damage.


Answer by  star28 (30)

Penile adhesion means foreskin attaching to the head of penis.. you can use guaze with vaseline and change it when diaper is changed or you have to pull the skin gently when you change diaper every time without any pain or discomfort to baby


Answer by  Rose (6804)

Try treating the adhesion with vasceline, if this does not help take your child to the doctor to have him look over the adhesion and advice you on the best treatment options. Avoid anything that could burn or cause additional pain to your child, for example soap products or anything acidic.


Answer by  ammnivarghese (262)

Any skindisease, with the kids, it is advisible to show him/her to a skin specialist. Sometimes, they do keep on sratching and the matter will be worst. As the kids, sometimes they do play in the mud, and their skin is delicate,k easy to get infected! so the parents can be in peace of mind.

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