


Question by  texasjd (19)

Is undercoat paint always necessary?


Answer by  ivy (134)

Not always. Primers will make your colors 'pop' more and prevent knots in hardwood from bleeding through and will give your top coat of paint something better to adhere to.


Answer by  Lottadogs (1258)

An undercoat or primer is typically preferred to make sure the top coat of paint looks its best. The undercoat keeps the decorative paint from chipping, makes sure the color shows evenly, blocks color leaking which creates varied color issues, and reduces the number of top coats needed. Primer also bonds the top coat to the surface.


Answer by  gin (366)

If by undercoat paint you mean primer. No it is not always necessary, but I highly recommend it. The primer will help the paint stick to the wall better and if there are any imperfections in the walls color it will give you an even color to paint over. I have found that even when not needed it works best.


Answer by  ApprenticeJenn (959)

Repainting a surface that is in good condition with a similar or darker color (such as interior walls) does not require primer. If you are painting wallboard or raw wood, it is really important to seal the surface first with primer.

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