


Question by  chappystick (43)

Is there palm oil in peanut butter?


Answer by  peant (12)

Some brands contain the palm oil which is a cheap oil added to the peanut butter, there are also several brands are completelty free of additives.


Answer by  Melissa101010 (4405)

There is no palm oil in peanut butter. Make sure that you are reading your labels and researching your foods that you buy.


Answer by  soapjunkie (581)

Yes. Palm oil is added to prevent the other oils from separating out in the peanut butter. It is also added to prevent rancidity and extend the shelf life.


Answer by  Carol37 (569)

Well, certainly not normally. Peanut butter produces it's own oil when the peanuts are ground. Occasionally some oil is added but it is usually cottonseed or soybean oil. Check the label if you have a concern.


Answer by  Uju (22)

Peanut butter is a paste made from ground roasted peanuts. In its natural state, peanut butter does not contain palm oil. However, a tiny amount of palm oil, which contains saturated fat, is usually addded to peanut butter as a binder so that the oil from the peanut butter does not seperate out.


Answer by  Businesslady85 (32)

Some do and some don't. It depends on the brand. Some manufacturers will use palm oil as a filler in peanut butter. Choose natural PB to avoid it.

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