

Question by  erica61 (3)

Is there a way of slicing onions without crying?

I can't take it anymore.


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Here's some tips that really do work- run the peeled onion under cold water, before peeling cut out the core of the onion, place onion in the freezer for about 10 minutes, burn a candle nearby to draw fumes- but the best solution is use a processor or enclosed chopper.


Answer by  jb68 (207)

I either put the onion in the refrigerator for a day or in the freezer for an hour or two before slicing or chopping them. Don't store them indefinitely in the refrigerator, though - they'll get mushy.


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

Try putting the onion in the freezer. It seems to help, but make sure you plan on cutting one, because it has to sit in there for a little bit.

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