weight loss


Question by  muffinx1 (232)

Is there a tea that helps with weight loss?


Answer by  Zazu (195)

Yes, there is and its called Green Tea. Three cups of organic Green Tea burns sixty calories a day. Green Tea also helps in preventing the cancer.


Answer by  Steve31 (142)

Green Tea has in various studies been proven to promote weight loss by the amount of catechins or EGCG's within its molecular formula. The sufficient amount of EGCG's needed to produce this effect has been found to be 500 milligrams, which can be found in most Green Tea beverages.


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

In the Health Food stores they sell a tea product that states it can help you lose weight. But you should be drinking water instead. Cut back on sugars, carbs,fats and eat more fruits and vegetables. Get rid of fast and prepared foor and make eating out a once a wekk treat and eat home more.


Answer by  cindy1645 (128)

Green tea has been proven in many studies to speed your metabolism to aid in weight loss. Chi green tea is an organic liquid concentrated extract with very potent antioxidants and very healthy for you and delicious too!

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