home remedies


Question by  Anonymous

Is there a plant that's good for scrapes or stings?


Answer by  maggie711 (285)

The Aloe plant is perfect for scraped skin or simple bug bites. In addition it is a pretty green plant on your windowsill! Break off a "branch" and rub the cactus juice on the cleaned scrape or bite. It's also good for mild sunburn. You'll feel relief in just a few seconds.


Answer by  Susan (179)

The plant that I use is the Aloe plant. It contains a gel inside when sliced works great for this. If you cut it down the center of the stem and peel it apart the gel can be scraped out and applied as needed. I have used it for sunburn but am sure it can be used for this also.


Answer by  Scooby14 (73)

My mother's remedy for any type of itch, scrape or string is to use an aloe plant. Simply rip the aloe leaf off the plant and apply the liquid to your injury. Aloe is proven to relieve itches and can be found in over the counter lotions and creams, but a cheaper solution is to grow one yourself!


Answer by  lmath629 (402)

The one plant that I have noticed is consistently helpful for wounds, burns, scrapes, stings, or scratches is the Aloe. Break off a piece and squeeze the juice onto the wounded area after washing. Don't rub the juice into the skin because rubbing can be irritating. It is also nice to smooth onto sun-burned skin.

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