

Question by  Jennifer26 (23)

Is the Cecilio saxophone good or bad?


Answer by  acelanders67 (381)

A Cecilio saxophone is a unique instrument. It carries a sound that can't be replicated from other woodwinds, and the learning curve demands attention from a passionate musician. Some may debate whether this member of the sax family deserves praise, but I'd listen to any Jazz album with someone playing Cecilio any day of the week.


Answer by  Christian9247 (5042)

The Cecillo is good for a decent instrument. It's a great gateway instrument for a child at a young age to appreciate music from instruments such as the Saxophone. It's not worth the dime you spend on it however and comes in ugly colors. But it does serve a purpose.


Answer by  Banjochamp (132)

If you want your child to have a decent playable sax, then Cecilio is ok. It is still considered a student model and not expected to be played by professional saxophonists.


Answer by  zephyr (32)

It is not worth whatever you will pay for it. The finish (usually in some garish color) is unstable, it does not play well, and it is not durable.


Answer by  jerickson1981 (13)

The Cecilio saxophone is good. The sound it resonates may not be appreciated by all, but it surely has it's purpose.

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