

Question by  Natalie24 (18)

Is it safe for a heeler to drink salt water?


Answer by  idavid (385)

No, it is not safe for any dog to drink salt water. Much like humans, salt water dehydrates the animal, and long-term exposure can lead to diarrhea and organ failure.


Answer by  flowermom (88)

A small amount of salt water is safe to drink. A large amount should be avoided because it can be unhealthy. Fresh water should be offered to any pet often.


Answer by  tjwltrs (109)

Drinking salt water can cause vomiting and diarrhea which can be dangerous if not monitored closely. The dog can become dehydrated, so no its not safe to drink salt water.


Answer by  cb31 (226)

A small amount of salt water will generally not harm a dog. However, it should not be ingested in large amounts or regularly.


Answer by  rogera (788)

For a heeler to drink salt water there is a chance of more problems arising in the dog. There is no purification process, not really safe to drink for reasons beyond dehydration.

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