
 color  eyes


Question by  outsiter (25)

Is it possible to have naturally gray eye color?


Answer by  Bernard (69)

Yes it is possible to have gray eyes. One reason is that gray eyes have less melanin than blue eyes. Second is the density of the proteins in the stroma


Answer by  Sinefey (457)

Yes, I have gray eyes. Since they are a pale shade my eyes tend to take on the color of what Im wearing..appearing blue and even green.


Answer by  Heloise (397)

Yes, gray occurs in nature. Arguably, it's just a variation on blue, and not a color in its own right. But it's not at all uncommon.


Answer by  Anonymous

Yes, it is. I have gray eyes, its very simallir to gray.


Answer by  sukkafish (4)

yes it is. but is considered to be bluish

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