

Question by  nyne (31)

Is it possible to give a plum tree too much water?


Answer by  JRossi17 (788)

You can over water any plant or tree. What happens is that it drowns the roots out and will not let them get other nutriets they need from the soil.


Answer by  roxiey (191)

oh yes you can a plum tree is like any other plant or tree if you give it to much water you can kill it. you should only water it once a day.beacuse what will happen is that it drowns it roots out and will not let them get other nutrients.


Answer by  Jon53 (20)

Yes, a plum tree is like any other tree, if you give it too much water it will die. You should water it once a day.


Answer by  wigglewasp (781)

It is possible to over water a plum tree. When you water tress or plants too much; the fruit will start to split open and some of them will rot. When you first plant it, you can water it a lot. But when it starts to get fruit slow down on the watering.


Answer by  Anonymous

Why does my italian plum have super clingy pits? I have been told that the Italian Plums don't get as 'clingy?'

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