

Question by  gemmie (33)

Is it possible for dogs to get colds?


Answer by  huntres999 (72)

Yes, dogs can catch colds just like humans. It can also go into upper respiratory infection if you allow them to play in wet weather.


Answer by  lbauman1222 (130)

Colds in dogs are very common and not much can be done. However,also very common are heartworm infections that have symptoms of a cold or cardiac issues if your dog is older.There are no medications (very rare-not useful),but any concern PLEASE see a Vet.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Yes. Dogs can get allergies and get congested. They will cough and sneeze. Sometimes smaller dogs can get collapsed Trachea's and the dog will show symptoms of a cold but it's not a cold. They need to be treated by a vet.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

Dogs do get cold like human.If they play a long time in the water or overstay in the cold nights they likely affected by cold.They sneeze in cold.

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