

Question by  shelley (70)

Is it okay to go swimming with stitches?


Answer by  dr84bhl (2789)

If you can wait for the stitches to be removed i would do this before going swimming. The chlorine might have a harmful effect on the wound.


Answer by  pradhaprajgmailcom (1518)

It is not safe to swim with stitches on. If you do so the stitches may got damaged and open up leading to serious injury.


Answer by  Melissa72 (167)

It is NOT ok to swim with stitches. You could get an infection where the stitches are or cause them to become loose.


Answer by  willard (874)

No. Immersion in water allows bacteria to get inside the wound an cause infection, as well as softening the skin so that the stitches may pull out.


Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous



Answer by  Anonymous

of coaurse you can go swimming if want ur stiches to bern your ass


Answer by  Anonymous

ive just had some stitches in my little finger, im going abroad in three days time is it ok to swim if i cover the stitches with something waterproof


Answer by  joeyleane (2)

can i go swimming in a family salt pool with stitches near my eye?

posted by Anonymous
that is a bad idea you can get salt in the cut and can make it worse  add a comment
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