

Question by  mouse09 (20)

Is it okay for a christian to get her nose pierced?


Answer by  Anonymous

who is to say if it is "okay" or not? Who cares. if she wants to, then let her


Answer by  Anonymous

The bible says something about Rebekah (spelling?), Abraham's wife having a nose ring. In the middle eastern countries nose piercing is a symbol of beauty and fertility. I suppose it all depends on why you want it. Just for beauty, or to rebel?


Answer by  Anonymous

Genesis 24:47 - Rebekah, Isaac's wife, is given a nose ring. The Bible never condemns nose piercings. I just got one. :-)


Answer by  Sharyl (340)

Of course it is ok for a Christain to get their nose pierced, or any other body part that would not involved private parts of your body that you should not expose to other people. How you look or dress has nothing at all to do with what makes you a Christain. Excepting Christ as yo and Savior.


Answer by  Makett (4)

Your body is a temple of God. Mutilating it in any form is not pleasing to God.


Answer by  jackie (276)

The Bible says nothing about piercings, so whether it's "okay" depends on what your specific church or denomination says. Some faiths proscribe things -- even dancing -- not because they're sinful themselves, but because the church leaders believe they could lead to sin.


Answer by  meo0314 (76)

I am Christian and i have never heard anything against getting your nose pierced. In my church, there are several people who have their nose pierced. If you want one, go for it!


Answer by  Shatankra (25)

I believe that anyone who wants to get their nose pierced should be able to, no matter what religion they happen to be. The bible says nothing about pierceing.


Answer by  bdpatton2 (2)

Leviticus 19 says not to pierce your body.


Answer by  Anonymous

What does God say? Does he think it will make you prettier and improve his handiwork? Or did he lie when he said he made you Perfect?

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