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Question by  worker10 (27)

Is it normal to have yellow leaves on your cucumber?


Answer by  sajdakota (73)

No - this can be an indicator of not enough water. Increase your frequency of watering and yellow leaves should reduce. If they don't contact your county extension agent for more ideas.


Answer by  prasannachella (27)

No, It's not. In general, having yellow leaves for any kind of a plant or tree does not look good. Also for Cucumber, it is necessary to remove the yellow leaves to cultivate green coloured cucumber. Though there is a kind of yellow coloured cucumber, there is no link between yellow leaves with this kind of cucumber.


Answer by  FesureMaybe (72)

By the sounds of it the cucumber having yellow leaves is due to lack of water, so try watering it extra and also try some fertiliser in the plant soil.


Answer by  terrih (38)

There might be a problem with the level of nitrogen in the soil. Over watering can wash away nitrogen in the soil.


Answer by  heather88 (1897)

I don't think that is normal at all. But not real sure. You should get a book about the plant and read up on them that may help you out.

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