


Question by  avinashraj15yahoocom (16)

Is it normal for an ear infection to be making my dog tired?


Answer by  lois47 (383)

Ear infections can indicate a compromised immune system. A trip to the vet for ear drops is necessary. Any infection can make a dog lethargic and should not be ignored or it could become systemic and require more extensive treatment.


Answer by  Huntress (1935)

Lethargy is a symptom for canines who have an untreated ear infections. Within a couple of days of taking prescribed medication the lethargy should start to dissipate.


Answer by  John (9008)

Any serious infection, including in the ear, can cause fatigue. Your dog's body is busy fighting off the germs, and this drains it of energy. You dog is probably also dehyrated. Once the infection is resolved, the energy level will improve. Fatigue is a normal part of fighting off an infection, however.


Answer by  krishnan (27)

No it is not normal for an ear infection to be making your dog tired. because it will effect the health and cause major problems.

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