

Question by  diane (117)

Is it dangerous to have a cell phone tower on your property?


Answer by  embockjr (709)

It should not be dangerous. I do not believe that any studies have indicated that the radiation present is of sufficient strength to cause harm.


Answer by  jojogeorge (53)

Even a cell phone emits so much radiations and its heard that radiations from this can lead to brain damage and even cancer. So, radiations emitting out from a cell phone tower will be four or five times stronger than a normal cellular radiation as the tower works in common for all cellular lines of that specific company.


Answer by  Baggy (15)

Yeah it is dangerous to have a cell phone tower in our property because the radio waves that are emitted from the tower may affect us


Answer by  ssumi (62)

Yes it is very dangerous one for putting the cell phone tower in the property. It may cause some serious problem for the people those who are living in around the tower. My opinion it is very dangerous

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