

Question by  vivibby (1)

Is a penguin omnivorous or carnivorous?


Answer by  malone (4817)

Penguins are carnivores. They eat small animals found in the sea, like krill, which is a staple in the diet of many penguins. Consider, too, that in many penguin habitats, there is no vegetation.


Answer by  shebillah (45)

Penguins are carnivorous. Their diet is limited to what is available in their environment. Most penguins live in the cold climates of the Northern Hemisphere, on ice packs and in the ocean. There is not much plant life there. Typically, a penguin's diet will include fish, crustaceans (crabs, krill, shrimp, etc.) and squid.


Answer by  mnielsen01 (360)

Penguins are carnivorous, even though they don't have the teeth or claws that most carnivorous have. They like to eat squid, fish, crustaceans and other small marine life.

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