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Question by  eyesfan (111)

Is a dolphin a mammal?


Answer by  joe13 (44)

A dolphin is a mammal. A dolphin has the standard characteristics of mammals including the following: warm-blooded, give birth to live offspring (not eggs), true lung system (oxygen breather) - no gills as true fish have, high intelligence, very social creatures as most mammals are, no scales as fish have.


Answer by  Kadie (63)

There are a number of requirements for an animal to be classified as a mammal such as the bony structure of the ear or sponge-like nature of the lung, but the most obvious is that it give live birth to its young. Dolphins give birth to live young as opposed to laying eggs - as most fish do.


Answer by  SashaDarkCloud (5764)

Yes. Because it feeds its young milk as well as it breathes air. Many people think it is a fish because it lives in the water but that is false.


Answer by  Anonymous

yes a dolphin is a mammal because i has the caracteristics of a mammal which is it breathes air it is warm-blooded it doesent lay eggs and breathes through nostrils not fins.

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