

Question by  GreenTema (223)

In actuality what was the master slave relationship like?


Answer by  km8738 (1917)

As with all relationships, they varied on a situation to situation basis. In almost all cases, the slaves were treated as extremely inferior beings, but the extent is what varied. It could be compared to a harsh line leader at a company treating his employees poorly, while the next leader treats them well.


Answer by  instakarma (51)

In actuality, the answer is "it depends." Here are some options: the vast majority of slaveowners owned only one or two slaves and, as such, the relationship was close (though not always pleasant). There are records that record everything from familial-like relationships, master-pet to romantic (both mutually voluntary and otherwise).


Answer by  Peter1563 (265)

This not only depends greatly on both the master and the slave, but also what time and place you have in mind. In the ancient Roman and Greek civilizations, slavery was a matter of social status and not superiority of one group or race over another. Sometimes a free person would sell themselves into slavery like someone declares bankruptcy today.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

Slavery has existed in almost all human societies through recorded history and likely before. It could involve force but always included dependence of the slave on the master.

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