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Question by  Kateline42 (27)

How do I rebuild a Harley master cylinder?

I need to rebuild a Harley master cylinder.


Answer by  dee73 (1062)

But a rebuild kit. All you need to do now is tear down the cylinder, and replace any worn out parts.Make sure you hone out your cylinder and reassemble it all back together. Place the cylinder back on the bike bolt it down and bleed out all the trapped air from the caliper.


Answer by  eyeguy (3760)

The master cylinder on a Harley is best replaced versus repair. The seams of the cylinder are laser welded in the factory which is impossible to reproduce at home


Answer by  Amber40 (24961)

Basically all you do is just disassemble the whole thing and buy a rebuild kit to replace any worn parts. Then you may need to hone out your cylinder then reassemble it all back together. The just bolt it back on and bleed the system of any air trapped int the caliper.


Answer by  ScooterMike (145)

You're best bet is to purchase the proper rebuild kit for your motorcycle from your local dealer, this kit comes with everything, including instructions. Not enough space here to respond.


Answer by  Birder80 (181)

reove master cylinder from the bike, make sure you do not get brake fluid on painted surfaces. Then clean all the grime off the master cylinder and take it to your local motorcycle specialist. It is your life let a pro do it.

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