Can implantation bleeding occur the same day as the day your period is due?
I've clenched my teeth in the night and now my root-canaled tooth hurts 6 days after the procedure. Will it calm down?
Is it normal for my bird to be sleeping a lot in the day time?
My dog was prescribed Prednisone, one dose every other day. We missed the dose two days ago, so what should I do now?
What are the mythological references for today?
What could be the cause of spotting the day prior to ovulation?
What makes you successful today?
Question by Tallis (31)
Answer by mstngpam (304)
Without a doubt if today was my last day to live, I would find my ex-bestfriend and go where she was because she made everyday we were together seem like months. That would give me extra days!
Answer by Tracy15 (821)
I would enjoy myself. I would eat anything I wanted too. I would have sex a few time before I die and I would call and say goodbye to family.
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