

Question by  MrSoul (26)

If my name is on a business credit card, does it effect my credit?


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

It depends on if your name is on the company's credit. You might just be an authorized user, which means that it is not on your credit.


Answer by  Francesco (169)

If it is your business and if it is connected to your name in any way then yes. But if you are just an approved buyer then no you won't be affected. If it is your business though then it will affect your credit but mostly in a negative way if you don't pay.


Answer by  tamarawilhite (17883)

If you do not pay the bill and the card is in your name, it will affect your credit. If all payments are made, it doesn't affect personal credit.


Answer by  Tee49 (8)

If your name appears on the card then it will most likely effect your credit. To make sure you can check your credit report.

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