

Question by  deb48inla (2)

If I bought new vehicle in Louisiana yesterday, but the convertible top would not work, can I legally return this vehicle?

Dealership says I can not do that, that when I signed contract of sales and drive it off the lot the car is mine.


Answer by  darce (125)

They are correct, however since the car is new you should have a warranty associated with the vehicle. Have them repair the convertible top at no cost to you.


Answer by  Dean (4035)

If you bought a brand new vehicle and the convertible top does not work, it is covered under warranty. The vehicle is yours, but the problems is the dealer's. If the car is used, it depends on the warranty.


Answer by  Aubs (1089)

I believe that you can return the car legally. There is usually some sort of warranty for cars, especially brand new vehicles. At the very least, the dealership should be required to repair the vehicle. If you bought this with the understanding that all of the elements worked, the need to fix the problem for you, if not return it.


Answer by  barefootinformation (62)

Louisiana has great consumer protection laws and lemon laws even with the regressive provision amendment. Louisiana has Redhibition. It means there was a hidden defect and you wouldn't have purchased it had you known of the defects before you bought it. You can file a claim to rescind the sale.


Answer by  HelpfulMal (539)

Most states have Lemon Laws--written to protect you in scenarios just like this. The dealer must repair the defect; if they refuse, you can bring legal action/get your money back.


Answer by  vkcopper (358)

Yes, Louisiana lemon law protects drivers who have problems with the purchase of new cars. This would be considered a defect that affects its value, safety, or use. Louisiana's has a redhidition law that a new car purchaser may be eligible for protection.


Answer by  technogeek (6640)

If the dealership does not have a return policy, then you cannot return the car, but if the car has any warranty, you should be able to get it fixed.


Answer by  xsut (943)

It all depends on the stipulations in the contract. For example, does the contract say that the vehicle is sold "as is". If the contract says something along those lines.

posted by Anonymous
for the above comment that's not correct as its on a new vehicle, "as is" would be considered 100% functional at the time of sale!  add a comment
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