pet health


Question by  Pochi (15)

I think my pet rat has a respiratory infection, what should I do?


Answer by  mammakat (11147)

Listen to him. If he has clicking sounds from his sinuses,chest gurgling, is lethargic and not eating, get him to the vet- he could die very quickly. He may just be sensitive to dryness and dust, particularly if you have forced hot air heat- try to hydrate your home, it will help you too! If in doubt, Vet!


Answer by  Brittney (1095)

You need to take it to your local vet. They can give it the medicine that it needs, or lead you in the right direction about what to do.


Answer by  rbiales (3441)

Your local animal urgent care center should be able to give your rat medical care. Beings with a cold do well with being made comfortable in much the same ways.


Answer by  heyjude19 (11)

You should definitely seek help from a vet with rodent experience and can properly evaluate and diagnose your pet rat's condition. It may not be a respiratory infection at all, but rather an allergy or other reaction to something it has consumed recently. Search online for a local vet specializing in this species.

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