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Question by  Nik707 (20)

I have a huge plant with berries. What are possibilities of what it could be?


Answer by  tiffy (12)

It is possible that this plant could be a cranberry bush. It is possible that this plant could also be a blueberry bush. There is also a possibility that it is a mulberry bush.


Answer by  treemom (334)

Mulberry is a tree with berries. Raspberries and blackberries have thorns and berries. Many shrubs have berries and berry-like fruits. Check out the viburnums.


Answer by  classicgirllizzie (5)

On your huge plant it could be a numerous amount of berries. The first could be blueberry's but it also could be; black berrys, rasberrys, strawberrys, gooseberrys, huckleberrys, hollyberrys.


Answer by  Roland27 (16334)

Some berries can be poisonous. Without a description I cannot tell you what it may be, but I can offer you some advice. Do not eat any of the berries until you find out what they are.


Answer by  rhelms10 (310)

There are myriad possibilities as to what kind of berry plant it could be. Many berries are edible, but there are many more that are unedible, even poisonous.


Answer by  morluv (10)

if it's a tree it could be a mulberry tree. if it is short and shrublike it could be raspberries(if there are thorns).


Answer by  Latin4 (11170)

The first thing I would do is to cut off a piece of the branch and take it to the nursery, they can tell you what it is and how to take care of it.

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