pet health


Question by  heatherA (1)

I found a turtle in my street (Indiana). It's not a snap turtle. It has a rounded shell with yellow and is friendly. What housing and food should I provide?


Answer by  TwoToneDodge (2204)

You may have found a box turtle. Unfortunately they are very hard to keep alive in captivity if it is naturally a wild one. Best to set it free.


Answer by  MsLizziebug (833)

It is probably a female looking for a nesting site. Take the turtle back to where you found it and put it on the side of the street (with plenty of distance from the road) in the direction it was heading. It only knows how to survive in that area.


Answer by  Jessec1007 (165)

It could be a mud turtle. If you could provide him a pond-like environment with sand or dirt beside the water, it would be great. A turtle is not a picky eater, the diet ranges from meat to vegetables. Or you may go to a pet shop to buy turtle foods.

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